Brussels Dance Club
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juinior club winterball

Friday 31st of January 2025
Doors at 19:00
19:30 - 23:00 at the Lutgardiscollege
Doors : 19:00
We are looking forward to welcoming all our junior club dancers and
their dancing friends for the first ball of this season.
Whothis is an exclusive event for our junior club dancers of all levels and their dancing friends as well as the rising star dancers, also former junior club dancers are very welcome to join in.
WhatAngelo and Leo have been searching for you the best music to dance on. We will all help you to get more confident on a ball. We have also foreseen some animations, a splinter new line dance and dancing games
Girls: something festive, no jeans, take care of the accessories, shoes, hairstyle
Boys: long trousers, no jeans, shirt, tie or bow-tie, eventually a waiste-coat or jacket, dancing shoes or suit shoes, no boots, no trainers...
We will award the best dressed girl and the best dressed boy
Beverageswater, sparkling water and other refreshments, as well as some fruit are included in the ticket
Entrance fee
9,-€ per participant


Please text to + 32 496 509083
First Name & Name of the participant and #Winterball 25


Please pay 9 € per participant
to Skylight Junior club account at Belfius Bank :
IBAN BE61 0882 9067 2417  
Subject : full name of the participant(s) and # Winterball 25

Attention there will be no cash box the evening itself! Thank you very for your understanding
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